Radiologisches Zentrum
Alte Saline 1
83435 Bad Reichenhall

Tel. 08651 / 965 180
Fax. 08651 / 965 1818

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) to the team of Radiologisches Zentrum Alte Saline

Here we have compiled frequently asked questions from patients. Click on the question to open the answer below. If we cannot answer all your questions directly here, please feel free to contact us!

Contact us by telephone on the central number 08651 / 965180.

If our switchboard is unavailable due to a high volume of calls,you are also welcome to contact us by email.

You can also book MRI appointments online via Doctolib (see button at the top of the page).

Of course, you can also come directly to our practice to make an appointment.

  • Referral slip and health insurance card (electronic health card) for patients with statutory health insurance
  • For private patients, a referral slip is not necessary, but information from your attending physician about your complaints is helpful.
  • Please also bring your current laboratory results with you if these have been determined by your GP or referrer.
  • Preliminary examinations (e.g. MRI scans, X-rays, etc.) and medical documents
  • Wenn im Besitz: Röntgen- , Allergie- oder Implantatpaß

Our examination times are so extended that it is also possible for working people to make an appointment within the opening hours.

Foreign patients are also welcome to be examined by us. Our registration staff will be happy to inform you about the fees incurred.

Please be sure to arrive on time for your scheduled appointment and allow for traffic delays.

If you are late for your appointment, your appointment will be forfeited and you may have to make a new appointment, which means additional waiting time for you and other patients.

Only for MRI examinations of the gallbladder and bile ducts (MRCP) you should come to the examination not having eaten or drunk anything. For all other examinations, you can also eat or drink beforehand. 

For MRI and CT, you will receive your images on CD after the examination. At the request of the referring doctors, we can alternatively print out the decisive images of your examination on a special high-performance printer.

Please take the images with you to your next doctor’s visit and present them there.

As a rule, your referring doctor’s office will receive the report of the findings either on the day of the examination or the following day by fax.

Our patients can park free of charge on the premises of the Alte Saline (Nordhof) for the duration of their examination.

If you cannot keep your appointment with us, please cancel it as soon as possible by telephone (08651 / 965180) or by sending a brief email. This way you can save other patients longer waiting times. Thank you very much for this!


MRT Aufklärungsbogen

MRT information sheet (PDF 167 KB)

CT Aufklärungsbogrn

CT information sheet (PDF 212 KB)

You can find us here:

(Link to Google Maps by clicking on the picture)


Radiologisches Zentrum
Alte Saline 1
83435 Bad Reichenhall

Mo, Di, Do 08:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Mi, Fr 08:00 - 13:00 Uhr
and after arrangement

© Radiologisches Zentrum 2025